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homologous series是什么意思

发布时间:2020-09-09 作者: 英语查

homologous series 是什么意思


homologous:    adj. 1.同源的。 2.【生物学】异体同型的。 3. ...
series:    n. 〔sing., pl.〕 1.连续;系列。 2.套 ...
In chemistry, a homologous series is a series of compounds with a similar general formula, usually varying by a single parameter such as the length of a carbon chain. Examples of such series are the straight-chained alkanes (paraffins), and some of their derivatives (such as the primary alcohols, aldehydes, and (mono)carboxylic acids).


1.Stereoisomerism is encountered in the homologous series .

2.the alkanes form a homologous series of general formula h.

3.The gradation in the physical properties of the alkanes is typical of a homologous series .

4.Analysis of the homologous series of benzene in environmental water by double capillary gas chromatography

5.Ketones are named by the iupac system as derivatives of the class name for this homologous series , " alkanones .
在iupac系统中,酮是作为这个系列的类名? ? “烷属酮”的衍生物来命名的。

6.Ketones are named by the iupac system as derivatives of the class name for this homologous series , " alkanones .

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